"Sri Gopalkrishna Saranam"
The British ruled over India for about two hundred years. Propagation of a Godless education and a civilisation that is out and out materialistic together with the fabrication of fine falsehoods miscalled history-these were some of the glaring features of that inglorious regime. A close and intimate contact with those foreigners who idolised lust and luxury and with whom body was all and soul non est made the Hindus averse to their religion and Shastras. Thus they were soon reduced to a people who have miserably sunk into oblivion. They are to-day oblivious of their glorious past-their unique religion and their incomparable culture, tradition and civilisation.
Baseless and ceaseless condemnation of Sanatan Dharma and constant and scurrilous attacks on our Gods and Goddesses and Shastras are being launched to-day not only by the foreigners but also by a section of our own people. Our Varnasram Vyavastha, Untouchability, Chastity and purity of conjugal life - i.e. the main pillars of Hindu Dharma have been the special targets of their cruellest attacks. These sworn enemies of our Dharma have entered into an unholy alliance not only with the Press and the Platform of the country, but even the legislature has made a common cause with them; and our much-vaunted secular Government has been displaying an endless enthusiasm in pouring forth its deadly venom by passing anti Hindu legislations such as Hindu Code, Untouchability Act, Temple Entry Act etc.
Our perfect Varnasram Vyavastha which built up an ideal society for us has been condemned by the vile calumniators of our Dharma as a potent cause of disruption and disintegration. Our unique untouchability which is a model method of expiation of one's sin and for the avoidance of impurity and which is a perfect process of self-purification has been tabooed as the progenitor of hatred and a silly superstition. Our Brahmins whose lives are dedicated for the welfare not only of his own countrymen but for all the created beings; whose lives are endless series of ceaseless penance and severe austerities, whose only avocation for the sustenance of his body is begging, to whom only thing that counts is the life hereafter and to whom power and pelf are worse than poison-even these Brahmins-these perfect pictures of sacrifice and service, the vile calumniators do not hesitate to accuse as selfish, greedy and power-loving. Even Chastity, the most precious jewel in the Crown of character of the Hindu women, the quintessence of love, purity and devotion, is to-day to our progressive seculars, an object of ridicule and contempt. And the aim of this Shastra Dharma Prachar Sabha is to fight ceaselessly against this rampant irreligion and immorality, against this love of prurient profligacy and against this murky materialism, miscalled civilisation.
To preserve our Dharma which is dearer than life and which is our only never-failing friend both here in this life and the life hereafter, to revive a deep veneration for and an unflinching faith in our Shastras which are the richest treasure house of eternal verities of life and to fight fearlessly the surging waves of irreligion and immorality, of falsehood and faithlessness and of dishonesty and depravity, the Sabha was founded by the great saint and savant Sriman Upendramohan out of his infinite mercy for the Kalihata Jeevas .
For the last eighty three years this Sabha has been making ceaseless efforts to acquaint the Hindu masses with the effulgent and eternal truths embedded in the Shastras and proving their infallibility in order to eradicate the poison of faithlessness that is today eating into the vitals of the Hindus.
In order to uphold truth and ensure the real good of humanity, Founder of the Sabha wrote and published dozens of books in English, Hindi and Bengali which conclusively proved that the Shastras are not only infallible but they have had the last word in every matter and on all subjects. And for their being an inexhaustible mine of information, for their irrefutable logic, irreproachable language, this literature of the Sabha is today, without the least exaggeration, a national wealth. The books have had their glorious march of victory over irreligion and immorality not only in all parts of India, but throughout the world. With throbbing hearts to-day thousands of people all the world over await the Sabha's mail every day. They receive them on their heads and tears roll down their cheeks. The Sabha has so far distributed free more than 85,0000 books and the total number of members of the Sabha is at present about three lakhs. More than 20 Branches of the Sabha are scattered not only throughout the whole of India but far, far beyond its borders.
This Sabha has nothing to do with politics, Shastras are its sole guide and every member considers his life as dedicated-dedicated to the cause of truth, to the cause of Shastra Dharma and is determined to fight irreligion and immorality as best as he can. Any person who takes up this solemn and sacred vow of unalloyed allegiance to Shastras, God's Spoken Words, signing the Sabha's PLEDGE becomes its member and no subscription has to be paid. The PLEDGE of the Sabha has been printed so far in English, Bengali, Hindi.
Since May 1955 when the detestable Hindu Code was passed, our Sabha has been holding religious classes every Saturday at 91 Chowringhee when the members are taught how to refute successfully every possible and impossible attack on our Shastra Dharma and to prove to the hilt the infallibility of the Shastras even when they contradict Science.
TRUTH (English Weekly, annual subscription Rs. 100.00) and Bharatajira (Bengali Weekly, annual subscription Rs. 80.00 ) are two mouthpieces of the Sabha. It is however not obligatory for the members to subscribe them, though it is desirable that the Branches should subscribe them to facilitate their own work.
We give herein only the briefest possible introduction to some of the multifarious activities of the Sabha which has for its aim a ceaseless and constant war-an eternal and irreconcilable war against irreligion and immorality and our motto is,
Jayanti Shastrani Drabanti Dambhikah I
Hrishyanti Santo Nipatanti Nastikah II